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A Marxist Reagruoping Project

La Marx United States is a project of International Revolutionary Regrouping. A project for comrades of all proveniences, nationalities, sexual condition, generations, races, languages, and traditions around the world, to carry on the project of Marxism. These are the four reasons why we invite you to promote this International Regrouping project

Read La Marx International 

Read the web page of La Marx International. It's a project for comrades of all proveniences, nationalities, sexual condition, generations, races, languages, and traditions around the world, to carry on the project of Marxism. These are the four reasons why we invite you to promote this International Regrouping project

The XXI Century American Revolution

From 9/11 to Obama's inauguration, political, economic and social events occurred in the country that can be considered among the most important in its history. These changes were of such magnitude that they modified the political situation in the United States, and impacted the world situation forever. We have heard the phrase that there are facts in which "reality surpasses fiction", but in relation to the United States, that phrase does not hold true, because in the United States fiction and reality have long been the same thing. Not even the most inspired Hollywood scriptwriter can imagine a science fiction script that surpasses the drama and genesis of US history.

The Crisis of Capitalism

Set of articles that analyze the economic crisis that the world economy has been going through since 2000, the most important in the history of capitalism. Its most spectacular expression is bailouts, a massive fund injection operation. This operation carried out by capitalist governments to save Global Corporations from bankruptcy is of a colossal magnitude

Bourgois Feminism & Marxist Feminism

The origin of the oppression of women is political-social. The relations between women and men were harmonious and fraternal until the sixth century BC (1) when private ownership of the means of production and the ruling classes were consolidated. From there, the majority of women and men become part of the exploited classes and oppressions of race, gender, origin, sexuality, class, etc. arise to sustain the exploitation of the dominant classes.

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