Lenin. 100 years after his death


By José Miguel Gándara C. La Marx Spain

Some people may have thought that we have forgotten the anniversary of Vladimir Lenin's death, an event that occurred exactly 100 years ago, on January 21, 1924, to be more exact. But no, how could we have forgotten an anniversary of such importance, especially when it comes to one of the most extraordinary and relevant people of all time. On the other hand, at La Marx we are very aware that Lenin carried, like any other man, his imperfections, his contradictions and the same human condition as other human beings. However, we must value his great intellectual capacity and his political vision, of unmatched depth with regard to the great problems that afflict the popular classes of the entire planet.

The exploiting classes need political domination to maintain exploitation, that is, in the selfish interest of an insignificant minority against the immense majority of the people.
                                                                              Vladimir Lenin

No, of course we had not forgotten this anniversary. For us, the world working class, Lenin remains an enigma in himself, an intellectual prodigy difficult to match, a moral spirit, a totem of the history of humanity. Lenin is the main leader of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, but not only that, he is also a conscientious researcher of the different social, economic, historical, political and anthropological contexts of the time in which he lived, a tireless fighter against tricks of the Marxist revisionism of men like Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein, the founder of modern European social democracy, a social democracy - by the way - that has done so much damage to the world left and, therefore, to the most disadvantaged social classes until reach the current moment.

We must fight for the social revolution, fight until the end, until the complete victory of the proletariat. 
Long live the international social revolution.

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