The Crisis of the World Left


Excerpt from the document "The World Situation" by La Marx International

A serious crisis is hitting all the left-wing organizations of the world. The leaders of 99% of the groups of the left have adopted a policy of integrating, supporting or calling for votes for capitalist governments and coalitions, including imperialist governments. The application of this policy of"class collaboration" or "popular frontism" means a break with the Marxist principle of class independence, which aggravates the crisis of the world left to unprecedented levels.

The Stalinist and social-democratic groups integrated into the FPyD collaborate publicly and shamelessly with capitalist governments and coalitions, placing ministers, advisers and deputies in these governments. The groups that claim to be Trotskyist are adopting the same course at full speed by integrating capitalist coalitions, or calling for a vote for them. 

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