Trump barely 30%, Democratic collapse and millions reject bipartisanship


Agustín Marti- La Marx United States

Donald Trump won the election with just 30% of the votes of U.S. citizens eligible to vote. While the capitalist media, news networks, political leaders, paid opinionologists lie talking about a "landslide victory for Trump", the reality of the cold numbers is that out of a total of 239 million eligible to vote, Trump obtained 73 million, which constitutes only 30.7% of the electoral roll. 70% of registered Americans refused to vote for Trump.

The numbers show that far from growing, Trump's candidacy lost almost a million votes in relation to the last presidential election in 2020. On the other hand, a total of 96,593,292 people, the equivalent of the population of several nations, did not support either of the candidates of the two imperialist parties, the Democratic and the Republican. In this way, the American people once again showed their historic mostly abstentionist position of rejection of the electoral circus, the "show" of the elections, they turned their backs mostly on the anti-democratic two-party system and once again abstention is, as so many other times, the first political force in the United States.

Despite the mediocre election, Trump won the Electoral College, the presidency of the Nation, and the two houses of Parliament, an absolutely undemocratic result that allows any candidate supported by an absolute minority of the population to gain control of most of the positions and the domination of the main institutions of the bourgeois state. This is possible for two reasons: First, the undemocratic electoral system of U.S. bourgeois democracy which is in reality a fraud organized to favor the ruling classes. Second, the historic collapse of the Democratic Party losing 14 million votes is a real debacle for "progressivism" and the 99% of the global left that supported Kamala Harris. This democratic collapse reaffirms the existence of a world process of "political revolution" by which all the traditional leaderships of the working class and the people in the world are collapsing.

A weak government emerges that seeks agreements

A criminal who is prosecuted for civil cases of sexual abuse, and criminally convicted has become for the second time the world boss of capitalism. Donald Trump has four criminal indictments on felony charges of falsifying business records, and hush payments to porn star Stormy Daniels. Now the United States holds a new record: Trump goes down in history as the first sitting president of the United States to be declared a criminal by the bourgeois justice system itself, a fact that alone evidences the decadence of the ruling classes and the oligarchy of the 1% that dominates the world.

During the election campaign, Trump displayed his bluster, and an openly reactionary discourse aimed at preserving the vote of the conservative electorate of the Bible Belt. But as soon as the election was over, his first speech showed a moderate, negotiating Trump, stating that he will govern "for all Americans", that he will "seek peace", and "end the wars" in Ukraine and Palestine. Trump's speech debunks all the charlatanism, and stupidity that the world left has been saying about Trump's triumph meaning "the rise of fascism" or the "rise of the global ultra-right", the reality is that if the Trump administration does not establish agreements worldwide and within the US, the Trump government will not be able to make agreements. It will be difficult for the US to govern.

Donald Trump's speech expresses that Donald Trump is a weak government, supported by a minority segment of the population that faces a revolutionary process in the United States with large movements, historic workers' strikes such as the port strike held this year or the one of the automakers and actors last year. Donald Trump's government will have to deal with movements such as the mass mobilization in favor of Palestine with its epicenter in the youth, or the movement against racism of blacks, Latinos, and Asians, women, the movement for immigrant rights, etc. Donald Trump, the officials of the regime, Wall Street, the Pentagon, and the ruling classes know that he will have to face this revolutionary upsurge, and the one that crosses the world situation, and for this, they need a policy of agreements and consensus.

When Trump talks about "ending two wars" he is lying, because Palestine and Ukraine are revolutions of national liberation, and therefore, revolutionary wars, as are also the struggle of the Kurdish people in defense of Rojava, or the people of Yemen, whose Houthi-led revolution now controls the Red Sea. Precisely, the imperialist governments have been pressuring the capitalist governments, and the political leaderships to reach agreements or peace plans to save Putin, or avoid the collapse of both the Russian Federation and Israel, countries that are pillars of global capitalism and if they collapse can lead to the collapse of the imperialist world order.

That is why, when he speaks of "Peace," Trump is not speaking to the peoples of the Middle East, the United States, or Ukraine, but he is speaking to the ruling classes, trying to assure them that he will be able to carry out the "task" that his predecessors could not accomplish. Already the capitalist dictatorship of China, as well as Putin in the face of the triumph of Donald Trump They have stated that they are open to negotiate and reach agreements, all the exploiters and oppressors of the world have the need to stop the world revolutionary upsurge and the revolutions that have them cornered, as is the case with Netanyahu in Israel. However, it will be difficult for Trump: They will be able to convince, pressure and corrupt capitalist governments, but they will hardly be able to convince the peoples of Ukraine or Palestine to accept oppression, the occupation of their territories, as well as impunity for war criminals like Putin or Netanyahu.

The collapse of the Democratic Party

Probably the most important fact of this election is not so much Trump's triumph as the collapse of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is the party of the working class and the poorest and most oppressed sections of the United States. The U.S. has been in the U.S. since 1940 when the Democratic government of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) won the presidency. Until then the Democratic Party had been the party of slavery, and racial segregation, but this changed when FDR launched the New Deal policy against the Great Depression with a mass of subsidies and aid to the poorest that turned the old slave party into a "progressive" party. What this old imperialist party is experiencing today is a nightmare as a result of a spectacular collapse, in relation to the 81 million votes that the Democrats obtained in 2020, it has now collapsed to 67 million with a loss of 14 million votes. a blow of such magnitude that candidate Kamala Harris had to cancel her counting party in Washington at dawn because far from a party place it had been transformed into a public burial.

Millions decided to withdraw support for the Democratic Party, and thedecision of millions of youth, workers, Latinos, women, blacks to turn their backs on the Democratic Party has created a political tsunami in the two-party system, in the old imperialist Party, and in the American and world left. By the time Democratic campaign co-manager Cedric Richmond took the stage to announce that Harris would not address her voters that night, the precinct was half-empty. The first blow to the Democratic Party was dealt by the revolutionary mobilization of the masses in support of Palestine that has made it pay dearly for the support of Israel by the Democratic government. Millions are mobilizing throughout the country in support of Palestine based on the youth as an expression of the revolutionary upsurge that the country is experiencing, and the turn to the left that swathes of the masses are experiencing expressed in the extraordinary spectacle they expressed a few months ago of more than 100 study centers occupied with Palestine support camps. There are places like Dearborn, in Wayne County, Michigan, which became one of the national epicenters of pro-Palestine mobilization.

On the other hand, swathes of the working class and the people turned their backs on the Democratic Party, hit by inflation, the devaluation of wages and the increase in the cost of living. Trump has boasted that "in my government there was no inflation," but he lies to the people wanting to show that his government had nothing to do with inflation. Global inflation exploded from the package of bailouts and financial bailouts of the bankrupt Global Corporations that dominate the world economy that totaled monstrous amounts of money put in the pockets of the richest 1% in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. In the U.S, the first bailout package was implemented by Donald Trump and the U.S. Parliament. The U.S. government in March 2020 with $2.2 trillion, the largest bailout package in U.S. history called the "CARES" (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. In the same way, the capitalist governments of Europe and Japan and China injected masses of money into bailout concepts between the years 2019-2021

In our country, on December 27, 2020, another rescue package was enacted, known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 ("Response and Relief Act") for about US$ 900 billion, at a time when Joe Biden was triumphing in the elections over Donald Trump, and by March 11, 2021, Biden enacted the third rescue plan called the American Rescue Plan Act), for US$1.9 trillion. The Trump and Biden administrations injected the country between September 2019 and early 2021 with the monstrous amount of $5.7 trillion of money, as we show in the video below.

These injections of money through similar packages were also launched in Europe, England, China, Japan, Switzerland, etc., which totaled around 33 trillion U$S, which caused inflation to begin to skyrocket in the imperialist countries in 2021, and the entire world. In other words, not only is Trump also responsible for inflation, but his promise that inflation will end is also false: Inflation is here to stay and the global crisis of capitalism is so serious that the whole world is heading towards global stagflation. To read about the prospect of global stagflation click here.

The video shows the bailouts called QE4 in 2020

We call this whole package of bailouts and financial rescues QE4 (Quantitative Easing 4), a term that means that the conditions for issuing money are relaxed. All this unbridled issuance by the Central Banks of the imperialist countries was what triggered inflation, which affected the standard of living and aroused the hatred of millions of the Democratic Party. In the midst of the process of resurgence of union activism, of the "new unionism" that characterizes American union activism, important sectors of the unions such as the Teamsters that traditionally called to vote for the Democratic Party, this time decided not to call to vote for either of the two parties of the ruling classes. If you want to read the Teamsters statement click here.

Crisis of the Progressive International and the reformist left

The blow suffered by the Democratic Party hits the American and world left. This is because the global left carries forward the policy of the Progressive International (PI) promoted by leaders such as Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders, and Yanis Varoufakis of Syriza of Greece. The base of the Progressive International in the U.S. The Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) is part of the lists of the imperialist Democratic Party with elected deputies who constitute "The Squad", the Democratic and "progressive" faction in Congress made up of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Greg Casar, Summer Lee and Delia Ramirez.

IP and the DSA develop a policy of integration, support and call to vote for the imperialist Democratic Party and different "progressive" capitalist governments and coalitions, including imperialist governments. This is the old policy of social democratic "class collaboration", "campism" or "popular fronte" which means a break with the Marxist principle of class independence. Following the PI and the DSA, the policy of class collaboration is being carried out by 99% of the world left, which aggravated the crisis of the world left to unprecedented levels. To read more about the global crisis of the left click here.

The image shows the leaders of "The Squad"
The image shows the leaders of "The Squad"

IP and the DSA is made up of prestigious "progressive" intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Slavoj Žižek, and leaders such as Jeremy Corbyn of the Labour Party of England, Guilherme Boulos of the PSOL of Brazil, Gustavo Petro president of Colombia, Gabriel Boric president of Chile, among others. IP is guided by the State Department, and this is the reason why IP and the DSA officially stood in support of Israel, its leaders disciplined themselves to the official policy of imperialism carried out by the Democratic Party, breaking with their bases that mobilized in support of Palestine.

As the popular mobilization in support of Palestine intensified, and as the youth massively took up the Palestinian flags, the crisis of the DSA became more and more acute. This is producing a collapse and fracture of the DSA, which began to suffer a process of regression unlike the exponential growth it had at the beginning. But because of its treacherous policy of supporting the Democratic Party, the DSA has entered a serious crisis, suffering from a collapse of its membership, the collapse of its finances, and a wave of layoffs of paid leaders and political cadres. Now Jamaal Bowman, a member of the "Squad," has dropped his membership in DSA, the New York regional of the DSA has erupted in repudiation of Ocasio Cortez's statements, Shri Thanedar has officially resigned from her DSA membership in Michigan. Read more about the DSA crisis in Politico's article by clicking here.

The DSA crisis is not a minor crisis. It represents the most relevant crisis of the American left, because it is the most important organization that fulfills the role of acting as a decompression valve of the political regime, diverting the rise of the workers and the people towards the dead end of reformism. This role as a decompression valve has been fundamental because, as a result of the global process of political revolution and the turn to the left of sectors of the mass movement, a new activism that seeks Marxist and socialist ideas is resurfacing in our country, with which DSA was fundamental in diverting that activism towards the dead end of the Democratic Party. and social democratic reformism. But the entry into crisis of DSA opens a new chapter for the left because its crisis opens the doors to the advance of authentically Marxist and revolutionary forces.

So far, this activism has collided with the reality that 99% of the American left supports, integrates and asks for support for the imperialist government of the Democratic Party, with Stalinist groups such as the Communist Party and other social democratic groups such as Solidarity that responds to Mandelism, Socialist Alternative (SA) led by the Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, Tempest, Red Star, Bread and Roses, Reform and Revolution, Marxist Unity Group, Socialist Majority, etc. All these sectors are going to crisis for having betrayed the American people by supporting the imperialist Biden administration, lying to activism by presenting themselves as "Marxists" or "socialists".

From La Marx USA, we leave this balance sheet as an instrumental tool to face the fundamental tasks that lie ahead. The center of the struggle will now be to confront the capitalist-imperialist government of Donald Trump, its policies, and its policies. We need to fight for an imposition of a workers' and people's government in the U.S., something that is only possible by building a consistent, revolutionary and Marxist tool. We call on the honest activists who are turning their backs on the DSA, and who are looking for a revolutionary alternative to join the project of La Marx International.

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